måndag 11 mars 2013

Oliver Twist


Find the words from the list that fit these definitions.

dragged  policemen realised  starving  criminal  jailed  ill  unconscious  stole  faded  comfortable

a) Suddenly understood  -  ............................................
b) Pulled along roughly   -  ............................................
c) Not in a good physical or mental health  -  ...........................................
d) Went away gradually  -  ............................................
e) Officer of the law  -  ................................................
f) Being knocked out  -  ................................................
g) Very, very hungry  -  ................................................
h) Took without asking  -  ..............................................
i) A person convicted of a serious crime  -  ................................................
j) Feeling at ease and relaxed  -  .....................................................

Make up five questions each and then answer each other's questions.

Rank the following crimes. You shall agree upon in which order the crimes should be. Start with the crime that you think is the worst and then the second worst and so on. Record your discussion on Vocaroo and then copy the link to your Google Docs.

Rob a bank
Hit someone
Kill a policeman
Steal candy
Kill a child
Download movies from Internet
Kill 10 people in a war

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