måndag 21 november 2011

Homework 9b

Here are the words that you worked with during the lesson:

mass breakout – massutbrytning
attempt - försök
narrow – smal/trång
ahead of them – framför dem
a Welch pilot – pilot från Wales
dig - gräva
civilian clothes – civila kläder
scruffy – sjaskig/ovårdad
secure camps – säkra läger
give someone away – råka avslöja
nude - naken
long johns - långkalsonger
the allies – de allierade
delays - förseningar
beneath - under
railway station - järnvägsstation
aiming for – tog sikte på
manhunt - människojakt
increased - ökade
settle for – nöja sig
executions - avrättningar
memorial service - minnesgudstjänst
meadow - äng
nasty – hemskt/otrevligt

So - this is your homework:
Listen to the podcast one more time on http://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/p00clcng#synopsis 
Try to use as many of the words as possible when you retell the story about "The great escape". Do your recording on http://vocaroo.com/ and then embed it on your blog. 

If you don´t know how to embed it this short "film" will show you: 

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